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12 việc làmERP

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Why Your Data is Safest in a Cloud ERP System

Why Your Data is Safest in a Cloud ERP System

Businesses in today’s digital economy are struggling to protect their data from the continuous onslaught of cyberattacks. This makes many wonder: “Is cloud ERP safer than other options?” Acumatica’s VP of Product Management says the answer is “yes,” and he’ll explain why today. Data safety is a common concern for today’s businesses—and it should be. According to an article by Tech.co, data breaches in 2022 were prolific, forcing US businesses to pay millions in damages. Combatting such data disasters is challenging, but it is possible. It all begins with implementing a secure and comprehensive ERP solution. But businesses have a choice to make. Should they select an on-premises or a cloud-based ERP solution? Which is the safest home for their data? Understanding the differences between the two software options can help answer these important questions. Data Safety: Cloud Vs. On-Premises ERP Systems Let’s start by looking at an on-premises ERP solution. It requires that a business physically purchase, maintain, and store in its own facility the hardware on which the ERP system runs. Substantial upfront and recurring costs go into storing the technology and hiring the IT staff needed to manage required operating system and database upgrades and to mitigate security/access risks. For some businesses, an on-premises ERP system causes tremendous stress, as their IT teams are constantly striving to keep the system secure and to stay ahead of incessant and increasingly elaborate cyberattacks. In comparison, cloud-based ERP solutions allow businesses to relinquish [...]

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